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Routines & Programs Forum:
Started By Buffed (stockholm, 4567, sweden)
Started on: 1/23/2005 11:56:37 AM, viewed 510 times
Don Lemmon

Has anyone read any of Don lemmons books "The truth of exercise and nutrition", "bodybuilding lifestyles" etc? He seems to have many happy clients and Don himself went from 180 to 270 pounds with abs naturally(took several drug tests) in a year!!! His workouts are a variation of HD/HIT


This Topic has 3 Replies: Displaying out of Replies:

Equalizer (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.) on 8/16/2006 1:39:34 PM

I just recently found out, as I occasionally visit his website, that Don Lemmon was tragically killed in a car accident back in June of this year. Actually, he died on June 10 which is exactly 5 yrs. after Mentzer died. I thought that was interesting since he was a proponent of HIT type training similar to Jones/Darden and even a few routines similar to Mentzer′s C.R. but with higher frequency. I have a couple of his books and like I stated, he advised HIT Type training and a diet based on food seperation.

ttwarrior4 (Morganfield, Ky, U.S.A.) on 8/25/2006 1:31:21 AM

this is sad. I hope someone could make a book about lemmon

Equalizer (Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.) on 8/25/2006 4:11:13 AM

Don actually was writing some novels at the time of his death under the title Lemmon Grove. One of them, I believe was about his life story.

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