Abbas this routine is a million miles away from what mike would have ever advised, with is later understating of HD, and just because Val knew Mike well it does not make me as knowledgeable as mike on the subject of HD training. I my have known Ayn Rand well and understood her philosophy on Objectivism but that would not make me a philosopher!!!!!!!!!
Chest, Decline flyes superset with incline smith, hammer bench cable crossovers
Biceps, One arm machine curls barbell curls concentration curls
Quads, Leg extentions superset with Leg press Smith lunges, after going all out on this workout My legs were shaking so bad I couldnt stand up.
Back, Pullovers , undergrip pulldowns , some sort of machine row, Dead lifts
Triceps, Pushdowns, machine over head tri extention bench dips with feet on other bench
Shoulders, side laterals, rear delt machine, machine overhead press dumbell shrugs
Hamstrings, Lying leg curls , Standing single leg curls Stiff leg dead lifts