The goal is to stay true to HD teachings and principles. I′m far more interested with adding muscle size than strength. I′m now using Mike′s rep cadence of 4/2/4 on all exercises and not locking out on exercises that offer some relief to the muscles such as squats etc. I′m really focusing on muscle contractions rather than just weight on the bar.
Any HD gurus that can offer me advice or if I′m not follow Mike′s concepts, please pull me up straight away.
I′m going to be using one of Mike′s original Consolidated Routines:
Workout A Saturday 11 August 2007.
My very first workout getting use to the slower rep cadence. I′ve decided to leave my ego out of the gym and just focus on the principles of HD.
SQUATS 1 X 10 @ 63 Kilos
Warm up with bar, one set with 40 kilos work set with 63 kilos.
Rep cadence is 4 seconds neg 2 seconds hold in the bottom position 4 second positive stroke up not locking out at the top (slight knee bend with weight loaded on my quads) with a 1 second hold for a breath of air and then a decent of 4 seconds.
I started to think this weight was a joke and by about the 6th rep realised my left shoulder was cramping up. By the 8th rep my quads were just pumped and screaming to stop. At rep 10 my whole body was starting to fatigue and fail.
After the set my thighs were just pumped with blood and the pain was unreal. This is a seriously different way to train not locking out and going slow and reducing momentum.
ONE ARM DUMBBELL ROW 1 X 11 @ 20 Kilos
Warm up with DB only, 1 set with 10 kilos work set with 20 kilos
Rep cadence is 4 sec neg 2 second hold at the bottom 4 sec positive stroke 2 second contraction hold 4 second neg again.
Tears were forming at the end of each set and had to take a break of 4 minutes between each arm my God it hurts : )
Warm up ~ push ups then work set with 20 kilos.
Rep cadence 4 second neg 2 second wait at the bottom position 4 second positive stroke 1 second hold at top but not locking out at all.
Similar to the rows, tears were forming in my eyes and the pump to my upper pecs was awesome.
Hopefully as time goes by I′ll lean how to contract harder.