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Started By hduty2 (New Port Richey, Florida, U.S.A.)
Started on: 11/24/2007 11:04:19 AM, viewed 158 times
Bill Sahli says "Time To Use Your Mind!" :-))))

Bodybuilding is truly a science, and Mike Mentzer demonstrated that exact fact by thinking through and establishing the one and only valid theory regarding it, we know as High Intensity Training.

By using his learned ability to think, taught to him by his study of philosophy, he gave us the most amazing contribution imaginable.

It is time to explore another science, one that is directly tied to your bodybuilding progress and more importantly to your life as you know it. It also has to do with thinking…it is called Quantum Physics.

I hope this isn′t too deep for you but if it is, I urge you to keep moving forward until you understand it. It will make a huge difference in your bodybuilding and in your life!

I recently published an article called Quantum Soup For the Mind. It is as straight forward as I could explain it. You can find it here http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Bill_Sahli

I wish you the very best!

Best Regards,

Bill Sahli

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