I have a question about the chest/arms workout of the Ideal routine. Which exercise do you all do for the arms? Palms up pulldowns, or the barbell curl? I personally do the Pulldowns on my routine, but I see that most everyone on here that does the Ideal, does the Barbell curl? I also got the HIT video, and he says to do the Barbell curl. I started doing the pulldowns because it was recommended in HIT the MM way. That is the only book that I have from Mike. He said that the pulldown is the best bicep exercise that there is. I havent done curls since I started HIT about 6 months ago. The pulldowns seems like it makes more since from a logical standpoint because it works the back too on the chest/arms day, whereas the curls don′t. I know that it will give the back more rest, but I am currently doing a workout every 7 days, so my back gets 2 weeks rest between the workout 1 and 3 right now. Should I replace the pulldowns with the curls, or keep it the same. Here is my exact routine I do
Workout 1: Incline press 6-10 till failure Pulddowns 6-10 till failure Shrugs or rows 6-10 till failure. (I used to do DL, and I will still do them every once in awhile, but I have a hard time doing them, and I feel that I am overworking my legs when I do the DL, and I feel it causes overlap anywhere I do them in my legs OR back routines).
Rest 7 days
Workout 2: Leg Press or squats, mostly Leg press. 8-15 till failure Leg curls: 8-15 till failure( I just started doing these in the absence of the DL) Calf Raises: 12-20 till faliure. (Sometimes I do these everyother leg workout. I may eliminate these from my routine) Machine Crunches: 12-20 till failure rest 7 days
Workout 3: Lateral raises: 6-10 till failure Bent over raises: 6-10 till failure Pulldowns: 6-10 till failure Dips: 6-10 till failure rest 7 and repeat workout 2, rest 7 repeat cycle..