I wonna Hit super heavy! Just kidding, Hit is always heavy. I′ve been training for 3 years now and my gains where pretty good. I began at a meager 130 pounds (heigth 1.84 m), very skinny. My max was 180 pounds. I was on a diet for 2 and a half years and had a regular training program. The problem is that I′m on my max capacity. I′m now experimenting with HIT but I don′t now which program.
workout 1: Incline benchpress (alternated with dips) reverse pulldowns deadlifts laterals squats (alternated with legpress) calfraises
workout 2: dips squats reverse pulldowns 7 days rest deathlifts neckpress calfraises
It′s a whole bodyworkout or the consolidated routine? Please can you help me to choose the best and most productive workout. I love this type of training, heavy and super intense. My motto is "train ′til you puke!"
Thanks, and bring on the pain……