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Started By Maverick (Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.)
Started on: 2/18/2004 9:56:38 AM, viewed 2827 times
definitive HIT literature list

i would like to settle the book/video debate once and for all. i was introduced to HIT by 3daydrunk back in sept, i bought hit the mm way, and it is the only book i own. i have noticed that it seems to get bad reviews by the vets around here. would you guys mind listing the MUST HAVE books and videos for hit, by mentzer or not. the only consistency i have seen is that heavy duty 2 seems to be the holy grail, would that be a safe assumption?

This Topic has 24 Replies: Displaying out of 24 Replies:

Chain (Anyw^here, Any, Any) on 2/18/2004 3:55:19 PM

Add Mike Mentzers Underground Seminar and Doug McGuffs "Ultimate Exercsise Bulletin #1" and you′ll have EVERYTHING you′ll ever need. Everything more tends to confuse most people…

Chain (Anyw^here, Any, Any) on 2/18/2004 3:58:01 PM

And yes, for many, HDII is the holy grail. I′d vote for UE Bulletin #1, though, but in a sense that consists also of Mike Mentzers ideas as McGuffs credits him for nearly all the concepts involved, particularly the volume/frequency-reducing thing.

NeuroMass (Anyw^here, Any, Any, Philippines) on 2/19/2004 12:22:57 AM

The BEST book by Mike Mentzer is DEFINITELY HD2 mind and body . Muscle in minutes is also good but doesn′t really have anything new to offer . UE Bulletin 1 is definitely a MUST HAVE! Mike himself praised M.Doug McGuff′s work as one of the MOST INFLUENCIAL and ENLIGHTENING work since Arthur Jones . With regards to the book HIT the MM way most of the VETERAN HITers including myself feel that it has a lot of CONTRADICTORY and CONFUSING statements included in the book . This is especially true with beginners who are just starting out and are still trying to learn and understand the BASIC FUNDAMENTALS of the HIT theory . In a way we feel that because it was NOT written and published exclusively by Mike the book is CONTAMINATED by ideas from John Little (his co-author) which is sometimes doesn′t fall in line with Mike′s . As a Veteran HITer I′m very familiar with Mike′s writing style no to mention his theory and application of HIT . As a matter of fact Mike ideas are always NON-CONTRADICTORY unlike this one. Anyway keep learning . PEACE.

Maverick (Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.) on 2/19/2004 2:51:57 PM

yeah ive noticed some definite anti-john little sentiments around here. it seems from the book that they were friends and partners, is there any reason why his approach to hit is less valuable than mike′s?

to recap,
1. hd 2
2. ultimate exercise bulletin #1
3. underground seminar (where do you buy this one?)

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