Hi Folks,
When Mike said overtraining was not just something sorta negative and that it takes sometimes weeks to recover, well it is the truth…. I have seen it in the gym and with my phone clients… although they don′t like to hear it and usually until we go through a thorough phone session their negative results so far can usually be linked to overtraining, not stimulus, meaning not resting long enough, not the intensity employed.
You have to check your logic here really… become emotionally un attached…because if you think clearly here… RIGHT NOW…you are the strongest and most muscular you have ever been. IF you continue to train within a specific spectrum of rest, and I find this very often…you are going to loose the battle. Your strength can increase some 300% while your recover ability may increase 50%… do the numbers and you will see the seesaw tilting to one side. The only way you can compensate is taking more rest time.
It takes time for the body to recover. I cant begin to tell you how important that is. If it doesn′t recover it cant go to the next step of laying down muscle. I have folks that train every 10-14 days and not until then… do they compensate let alone overcompensate for the exhaustive effects of the workout. It is genetics. There are those that can train every other day and recover… (however not forever either….) and those, and I have had clients like this… who have had to take a straight 6 months off before they began to train again because it took that long for them to fill the ditch… this is true guys!! High Intensity, Heavy Duty, R U Serious, you call it what you will. If you have a thorough understanding of the theory, there is no guessing.
This is the way to think through it…
OK, I (You) am training intensely, with an intense contraction to stimulate the growth, to turn on the growth mechanism.
I am training briefly, not using so much of my recover ability and leaving as much possible there … being cognizant not to dig too deep of a ditch… or are you…Question….Do I need to be more brief. Remember, training is always a negative.
If I am still tired after a week, or two or three, my body has not compensated for the exhaustive effects of the exercise, let alone compensated…. more rest is required.. Not everyone is using recovery enhancing drugs etc so it will take time, but the wait is well worth it….
Read about Lethargic….
Lethargy or Lethargic- deficient in alertness or activity; "bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights" [ant: energetic] … is lack of energy… energy is something we are, everything is energy… when we expend it it must be replaced. The body recovers systemically and replaces energy as such.
Have you ever noticed how when you are sick sometimes or over tired, you don′t even feel like eating. Animals are the smartest… when they are sick, they waste no energy on eating, their body saves all its energy to fight off the STRESS, sickness is a stress…. See… it is all stress related… the body doesn′t know the difference…
So if your metabolism seems sluggish, you feel lethargic etc, chances are you have allowed yourself to move into a state of overtraining and continuing so just digs a deeper hole. A sluggish metabolism or lethargic is the first symptoms I use, along with a slowing of progress, as the beginning of the overtraining condition. If you are active and healthy and not overtrained, you should feel energetic. If done properly, you should never reach a condition of overtraining.
If we realize there is one valid theory of high intensity training, if we really understand anaerobic exercise, then the answer is not changing routines, not going to the volume approach, not dropping the intensity, the answer to the problem or question can be found in one of the two aspects of this training… that is in volume or frequency or both…. who says that you have to train every so many days? Who says that your workout has to be 1 -2 -3 or 5 sets. Who says that those abbreviated workouts have to be all large compound movements… Stick with the theory and you will find the answers to the question.
This really has nothing to do with being a wimp, but about being 100% when going to your next workout. I personally could not imagine at this moment, another Rest Pause Leg Workout, which is my next workout. I am scheduled to train again tomorrow and I got news, I will reassess where I am on next Monday, today is Tuesday, so since there were already about 8 days since my last workout, tomorrow will be 9 days, I will add 5 days till Monday and if I am 100%, I will be there, 14 days later… if not, no problem. I am after the result not the experience so the less I am in the gym, the better…. gives me more time to live, play and enjoy the result, a strong, muscular and energetic body…
Always use logic in working out these similar problems and you will find the answers precisely.
Best regards to all on this great discussion..
Bill Sahli http://www.ruserious.info