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Started By FiLLa (Ad., SA, Australia)
Started on: 12/28/2005 7:51:47 AM, viewed 1218 times
Routine from High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way

Hey guys,

Im pretty new to MM′s HD/HIT methods, and am looking forward to starting my first HIT routine next week. Prior to me starting, I′d just like to know from the more experienced HIT users if the Ideal (Principled) Routine (with 4-6 days between workouts) from Mike′s book High Intensity Training The Mike Mentzer Way, would be a recommended starting routine for me? I′ve had about 10-12 months of weight training experience, mainly high volume. Any help on this matter would be much appreciated

This Topic has 9 Replies: Displaying out of Replies:

dafortae (a, a, U.S.A.) on 12/28/2005 1:37:08 PM

Hi Filla,

Yes, the Ideal routine would be fine to start with. Just make sure you take at LEAST 2 weeks off before you start. The Athlete′s routine is better for overall mass, but since you′re coming from volume training, the Ideal may be a better taper for your body and mind. As long as you make strength gains consistently, that′s all that matters. Once gains slow down or stop, switch to the Athlete′s routine.


joe (barry, tx, U.S.A.) on 12/28/2005 6:55:44 PM

howdy filla,

watch out for the little guys on this forum that are all too willing to tell you how to build "huge" muscles like theirs. there are only a few guys with a decent build on this forum and all of them workout on average 3 times per week.

have fun training!

FiLLa (Ad., SA, Australia) on 12/28/2005 8:46:00 PM

Thanks guys.

This Athletes routine, is it from heavy duty 2? Because I haven′t actually seen it before. And I′ve been told that I definitely fit the mesomorph characteristics pretty well, so is there anything I should do different or anything in particular I should apply moreso than something else?

KR0ME (London, S, England) on 12/29/2005 11:54:43 AM

"howdy filla,

watch out for the little guys on this forum that are all too willing to tell you how to build "huge" muscles like theirs. there are only a few guys with a decent build on this forum and all of them workout on average 3 times per week."

Joe do you have to insult everyone on this forum that doesnt train according to the way YOU think is best with your ignorant comments?

Filla there will be guys with decent physiques who train 3 days a week, 2days a week and 1 day per week. They are all effective depending on individual genetics. Vincent who trains here consolidation style (definatley does not train 3 times a week) and has an impressive lean muscular physique.

By the way Im one of those ′little′ guys who trains once every 2 weeks. I currently weigh 220lbs (143lbs one year ago) and have TRIPLED my strength.

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