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Started By Adman (Sydney, NSW, Australia)
Started on: 2/18/2005 8:54:37 PM, viewed 5644 times
Why aren′t more HD HIT guys massive? Maybe the theory is wrong after all?

Hey everyone. I though I would write this response to some of the juice heads and freaks that jump on this forum and have the audacity to criticise the photos and training efforts of others. A common question that these people ask is "Well if HD works why aren′t there more huge guys that do it and how come all the biggest guys don′t train like that and blah blah blah blah……"

Lets be completely honest, most people stumble across HD as the LAST resort because they have tried conventional volume training and failed to make meaningful progress. The difference is, if a person with quite good genetics is making a satisfactory degree of progress using volume training, then it is working for them and they have no need to investigate alternatives like HIT. "Normal training" works, they are the proof! So these guys spouting off about HD must be full of crap! These successful, genetically "above average" types have never had the need to even try HIT, so they just criticise it.

Now take the genetically average hard gainer who never made progress using conventional training. He starts using HD and starts progressing! He posts on the forum because he is excited to finally be making some progress, he might even post a photo. Now the guy with good genetics looks at the photo and says, "He doesn′t look that great. I′m bigger than him! If thats what HD does then it must be a load of shit." Do you see the problem?

Drawing comparisons between the results obtained from different individuals is pointless. The only person you can compare yourself to is YOU! Are you getting stronger? Are you putting on muscular bodyweight over time? If the answer is yes, then you have all the proof you need. HD does work and is the best system of training in the world, no doubt about it. Don′t be put off because someone bigger and "apparently" more successful in bodybuilding terms, says otherwise. No one on this board would accept training advice from Arnold Schwarzenegger and rightly so. He′s full of shit and was a steroid abuser of the highest degree. If you were to only gauge the value of his advice by his level of physical development however, well he would be an authority wouldn′t he?

One point I would like to make. The "successsful" volume trainers that claim HD doesn′t work and claimed they have tried it are ALL liars. Every single one. Yes, they are out and out LIARS! Again, they have never had the NEED to try it. They feel however, that they better not claim something to be ineffective without even having tried it so they concoct stories about "the time they tried HD for 6 months and lost size and strength." We all know these people are lying, we know they have never trained HIT or they wouldn′t be knocking it. You cannot argue with the truth. This is not a matter of who is right or who is wrong, its a matter of what is true.

As an interesting foot note, in all the years I have been reading Mentzers work, I have never ONCE heard any of the opponents of HD successfully refute a SINGLE point of the system. Not one! Their arguments boil down to shit like "one set isn′t enough, so and so does this many so that is the way to train, look how big he is" or "you will lose muscle and strength if you don′t train for a week, that system is ridiculous." Totally unfounded, untrue horse shit! For those of you that want to disprove HD, come armed with facts and science, not anecdotal stories of how such and such trains and how big his arms are. That means nothing.

For those of you who know the truth and are brave enough to stick to your guns in the face of the lies and bullshit, keep the faith.

This Topic has 62 Replies: Displaying out of 62 Replies:

Analyzer (CDA, id, U.S.A.) on 2/18/2005 9:00:55 PM

"Lets be completely honest, most people stumble across HD as the LAST resort because they have tried conventional volume training and failed to make meaningful progress. The difference is, if a person with quite good genetics is making a satisfactory degree of progress using volume training, then it is working for them and they have no need to investigate alternatives like HIT. "Normal training" works, they are the proof!"

Man, most excellent point!!! Cheers on that one! ๐Ÿ™‚


Ferrari (Gatineau, QC, Canada) on 2/18/2005 10:13:14 PM

Hear hear. If it′s not genetics that gives these guys the arogance then what about an easily measureable trait, namely intelligence.

Everyone goes through the same schooling system and has the means to gain knowledge and improve themselves.

Why do they remain intellectually proficient to a lesser degree? Maybe we should blame their schooling system? Or perhaps they are not as genetically gifted in this realm?

The intent of my post is not to take cheap shots or to insult. If these guys know so much about training then why can they never train their friends to their level? What happens to their undeniable proof then?

If their methods are so fool proof then why do they have weak body parts? Surely if it was just training then they could pump a lagging body part and it would catch up?

Or better still, if genetics is not involved then why can′t everybody achieve Mr. Universe calibre?

If they are so enlightened and we are in denial of the truth in this website, why bother coming here and trying to convince us? I never go to their sites as I have absolutely no interest in beating my cranium against an immovable object.

The answer to all of this is quite simple. They are intelligent enough to know that something is wrong with their training. They are afraid to admit that we might actually be right and try to convince us that we are wrong. Psychologically the argument is with themselves, we just happen to be in the way.

dafortae (a, a, U.S.A.) on 2/18/2005 11:27:12 PM

Absolutely spectacular post Adman. It almost sounded like Mike speaking there!

Also excellent points Ferrari. You guys are 100% correct.

I was going to say more, but I think I′d just spoil the wonderful posts above so I′m going to keep my mouth shut.


smanjh (somewhere in, the USA, U.S.A.) on 2/19/2005 6:06:59 AM

Good posts guys. I have several gym buddies that call me insane for this, but they are still the exact same as when I joined there, and they all call me Big Jess now. So I can guarandamntee this works, if applied correctly, and before pictures are taken, a good pump up session always help.

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