Hi guys,
I got the HIT Video for Christmas and boy was I excited. I really enjoyed watching it.
One thing I noticed was that Markus was doing the Ideal routine. Actually, I noticed he was doing a routine that′s BETTER than the Ideal routine in Mike′s books. I always wondered why for the arms, one would do an isolation exercise for the triceps for pre-exhaust, then do a compound, but the biceps didn′t do that!
Well, in the video, the biceps WERE pre-exhausted, just like the triceps. THAT made me feel MUCH better about Mike′s Ideal routine. I always thought that was weird in the book, but the video obviously corrected that flaw.
He also explained why the rear delts are trained but not the front delts. His opinion was the front delts get nailed WAY more than the rear, because of dips and all the pressing movements. The rear didn′t get fully stimulated in his opinion, evidently, so that′s why he decided to have an exercise for them.
I felt MUCH better about his Ideal routine after watching the video, because it was more consistant. He also explained that the dumbells were used JUST BECAUSE most people don′t have the Nautilus machines to do those exercises for. Otherwise, he would have had them use the Nautilus machines over the free-weights anyday.
I′m really glad about the video. Thanks Val, for producing it!