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Started By RedDog84 (Miami, Florida, U.S.A.)
Started on: 10/23/2006 12:22:50 PM, viewed 511 times
Please Help

I wanted to know how many reps are required when doing pre exhaust and then for the final set like in the HIT Video with Mark and Mike.

For example he warms up with leg press then he does leg extension untill failure and then he does leg press.

Is there a certain amount of reps or no.
I′ve been told that legs need 15-20 reps.
But I dont think I will do 15 reps in leg extencion.

I had a friend who said when doing pre exhaust i should choose a weight that will allow me to do 6 leg extencion and then as many as i can in a Strick from squat or leg press but no more than 6

is it the same for the rest of the other two big muscle.

Please help.

This Topic has 7 Replies: Displaying out of Replies:

bloodandguts (Alburg, vt, U.S.A.) on 10/23/2006 7:38:03 PM

I think using a resistance that makes failure at only 6 reps for extensions is too heavy and could be very hard on the knees. I′d stick with 10-12 reps for each exercise. it′s still a long set though, so be prepared for some major pain and cardiovascular stimulation!
(You may want to keep a bucket close by as well . . . I′m not kidding!!)

for upper body though I think it′s best to keep the reps a bit lower, especially on the second movement.


HITHopper (Adelaide, SA, Australia) on 10/24/2006 1:56:04 AM

I agree

6-10 for upper body and 10 -12 for legs seems to work best.I believe it is also the rep range Mike advocates in his book High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way, (or very close to it).

HDLED (Lansing, MI, USA) on 10/24/2006 10:38:07 PM


discipleofmentzer (INDIANAPOLIS, IN, U.S.A.) on 10/26/2006 12:38:28 PM

You answer about how many pre exhaust reps can vary. MM said basically pre-exhaust upper body 6-10 reps to failure and then do the compound work with no rest. Pre-exhaust 12-20 reps to failure for lower body (HITTMMW p135). You may have to use a lower weight for this.

Mike Mentzer′s Ideal Workout from p134 of High Intensity Training The Mike Mentzer Way.

Workout 1
Dumbell flyes for pre-exhaust 1 x 6-10 reps
Incline presses 1 x 1-3 reps
Straight-arm pulldowns for pre-exhaust 1 x 6-10 reps
Palms-up pulldowns 1 x 6-10 reps
Deadlifts 1 x 6-10 reps

Rest 4-7 days

Workout 2
Leg extensions for pre-exhaust 1 x 12-20
Leg presses 1 x 12-20
Standing calf raises 1 x 12-20
Sit-ups 1 x 12-20

Rest 4-7 days

Workout 3
Dumbell lateral raises 1 x 6-10 reps
Bent over dumbell laterals 1 x 6-10 reps
Palms-up pulldowns 1 x 6-10 reps
Triceps pressdowns for pre-exhaust 1 x 6-10 reps
Dips 1 x 3-5 reps

Rest 4-7 days

Workout 4
Leg extensions for pre-exhaust 1 x 12-20
Leg presses 1 x 12-20
Standing calf raises 1 x 12-20
Sit-ups 1 x 12-20

Rest 4-7 days

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