I′m obsessed with weight training. I′ve been lifting weights and doing all body workouts for around eight months, but for the past month I′ve gone HIT style since reading Mike′s book. I′ll go for a casual jog a couple times a week, today I just sparred with the air and laid 2p coins around my room as targets and then did some stretching of yoga poses.
My job is crap, so I think about what I can do once I′m out of work. I′m also being tight with calories as I′m cutting. I just want to lift weights everyday, I′ll read parts of Mentzer′s HIT book just to read them, I′m always flexing my arm in the mirror, observing the back of my tricep etc. Is it true the body produces some chemical that makes you addictive/obsessive for training?
Everything I do is intense, my music project (myspace.com/mentalcatalyst) the films I collect and the books I read are all strong themed. I′ve been thinking of starting a kickboxing classm but I need to be tight with money as I′m saving, so perhaps I′ll practice in my room. Now and then I′ll set a dumbbell up to do some concentration curls just to get a pump, so I can see some nice muscle in my forearm, a vein coming through etc. I′ve written up a new workout, It′s aimed to be part done at home and gym.
Home : Chest – Flyes > Bench Presses Abs – Crunches (standard, twisting, lying leg raises for lower) Shoulders – Laterals > Bent over laterals, Behind neck press Arms – Concentration curls, Lying extension Deadlifts
Gym : Leg extension > Leg press or Squats Pressdowns > Dips Palms up pulldowns, Chin ups
> = directly followed by , = adequate rest time
My gym visit is on a thursday, I was thinking of making my home workout a monday evening? I know I could probably just do deadlifts and chins/dips weekly for development but like I said I′m addicted and would like to push myself, see if I can handle the routine. I′m 21 years old.
I′m doing some yoga JUST so I′m doing something physical in the evenings. I even enjoy going to bed early, and getting around 9 hours sleep because I′m thinking of my body needing the rest/growth time.
Thanks for allowing such a lenghty post, cheers. -Martin [email protected]