Alvin Mentzer′s underground seminar are fantastic!
It really makes you wonder.
The guys who had to tell lies about Heavy Duty and tell lies about Mike all had financial interests. They are: 1) Supplement sellers (both companies and individuals) 2) "Personal Trainer Certification" Companies. (They can ONLY Certify Volume Trainers NOT Heavy Duty Trainers!) You can learn HD by reading a book! 3) Companies and individuals who are trying to sell books on volume bodybuilding.
All 3 above stood to lose a lot of MONEY and POWER if Heavy Duty continued to keep expanding. After all who would need or buy products or services from the above?
After they (the 3 above) spread lies on the net and in written statements and even "bogus" research they sent in Trolls to the Forums in an effort to make sure HD was NOT understood or applied correctly.
This was helped by un-moderated Forums, guys saying that they had failed using HD when in fact they did NOT apply HD and guys not buying books to learn the truth and apply that truth.