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Started By andyr (los alamitos, ca, U.S.A.)
Started on: 7/12/2015 12:26:37 PM, viewed 2352 times
My new version of my old trap bar

Several years ago a friend who′s a welder made a solid and heavy 60 lbs trap bar. The only thing about it was that the handles were 7 inches above centerline, although it gave a definite lifting advantage being that I could lift more weight, my main concern however was range of motion.
So I saw Red last Sunday after my workout and had him set the handless down to centerline.
Today I used my bar and knowing I′d have to use less weight I was surprised how heavy even that felt! It was good though and my thighs were much more involved.
Previously I would use 35′s instead of 45′s to make a difference, but I measured and it was only an inch. But now it′s more than 6 inches of extra movement and that makes for quite a different workout.

This Topic has 57 Replies: Displaying out of 57 Replies:

andyr (los alamitos, ca, U.S.A.) on 7/12/2015 9:24:18 PM

Best damn thing I ever did was get that trap bar made, best piece of bodybuilding equipment I have ever used……and now it′s even better!

andyr (los alamitos, ca, U.S.A.) on 7/19/2015 12:50:27 PM

With these new handle placements this bar is going to take some getting used to.
That′s ok though, getting stronger is what it′s all about. One thing is for sure the extra distance traveled through range of motion is a big plus, and even though I had to lower the weight, my forearms as well as legs back etc are really getting worked.

andyr (los alamitos, ca, U.S.A.) on 7/26/2015 2:52:05 PM

This bar is working out even better than I expected.
Does anyone on this board regularly use a trap bar?
Curious to know how you like it.

andyr (los alamitos, ca, U.S.A.) on 8/2/2015 11:47:37 AM

Great workout today……I′m thrashed

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